Conservative Comic Book Pundit

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Comic Book Encyclopedia by Ron Goualrt

A slick, lavishly illustrated book, only hard core collectors or casual fans should be interested in this. There is no information that cannot be found in a hundred other places, and small factual errors abound. [Two examples: 1 - In the entry on Ghost Rider, the wrong Ghost Rider is identified as the star of the Hammer Lane mini-series from Marvel Comics. 2 - In the entry on Captain Marvel II, the encyclopedia confuses Captain Marvel II with Captain Marvel III (The son of Captain Marvel II) and implies they are the same character.]

This book has a very, very pretty appearance and looks good on a bookshelf, but it doesn't reward either the casual reader or the dedicated student of comics. The information provided is on a "scratch the surface" level - at most, a total comic novice might benefit, but there are better books out there than this one for novices. There's no depth to this book, and the reader will learn nothing new.

But it looks nice.


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